Freedom should be 'Free' and available to all!

All of last month, we spoke of our 'Freedom to Fly' mantra. We, at English E. Teach value the freedom we give our children so dearly, that we dare not add a price to it. 'Free' is such an integral part of 'Freedom'; freedom will cease to exist if we extract free from it. And that is what prompted us to make our program absolutely FREE for everyone. Each time a school approaches us to include the English E.Teach program into their curriculum, we distribute the DVDs along with the necessary teacher orientation absolutely free to them. 

When we set out to understand why was teaching English in vernacular schools such a difficult task - we realised that there were a lot of factors that collectively teamed up to provide resistance. The schools that we were targeting were either in remote areas or even when in urban areas, were catering to kids coming from the most impoverished strata of the society. In either case, the parents were not equipped to teach their kids anything at home, forget English.

The English E. Teach program is the solution First and foremost, the DVD has been specially designed page wise, according to the English textbook syllabus using animation that makes learning easier and more interesting. 

Second, we have ensured that the DVD is extremely user friendly. The teacher will never feel burdened to operate it. Special care has been taken to ensure that there are adequate gaps and pauses durng playing the DVD to heighten learning. The utmost the teachers have to learn, is how to operate and remote and the play and pause buttons.  

And last but not the least - We have kept the program 'Free of Cost'. A School just has to approach us and everything else is taken care of. Even if they do not have a DVD player or TV, we try and arrange it for them. When their equipment does not work, our facilitators even go and get it repaired for them. 

All in all, we just expect them to extend their hand to us, support us - and we will ensure we give them a high quality English education aid. 

Event Update: SSM School

Every few weeks, English E. Teach organizes an event for the parents in different schools. The idea is to reassure them that what they have entrusted us with, is being executed to their level of satisfaction. That their children are indeed benefitting from the English E. Teach project which they believe in.

This time, it was Shivaji Shikshanotejjak Mandal Nityanand Bal Mandir School. And a grand event it was, with almost 250 parents from the Junior and Senior KG classes. Thanks to the support of Principal of the School, Akshata Pednekar, we were able to showcase the English fluency the children have achieved. 

Our Founder, Mr. Astad Parakh, first addressed the parents to make them understand how and what we were doing with their kids to teach them this new language- English.

Overall, the event was headed by our facilitator Madhuri, who oversees this school.

That was followed by a skit put on by  our facilitators to highlight the benefits of a vernacular medium education, but with the English E.Teach advantage.

All in all, it was a fulfilling day. And the smiling faces of the parents & children was the biggest take away.
