Thank You D. S. School

Shiv Shikshan Sanstha’s D.S. High School, originally named ‘Sion English School’ began its incredible journey by way of a humble beginning in the year 1939. Known for quality education for the last 75 years, the school has received many awards and accolades through impressive achievements of the students and teachers alike. 

It was one of the first schools to believe in the vision of English E.Teach. Not only did it incorporate the DVDs into their Timetable, but they also helped in promoting and recommending English E.Teach to the other vernacular schools in the vicinity. The Principal of the School, Mrs. Sheela Deshpande has often credited the English E.Teach DVDs for the English prowess of their students. Kids in their school learn the right pronunciation of words, converse in English and perform in English at school events due to their dedicated teachers using our English teaching aids . Their Administrator, Swati Karanje; goes further by crediting English E.Teach with rebuilding people’s faith in Marathi Medium Education in their School. 

We, at English E.Teach value these associations tremendously - they restore our belief in our vision to transform the educational landscape of our state, one vernacular school at a time. 

Thank you D. S School.

Seva Sadan School: Parent's Meeting on 23rd August, 2016

The Seva Sadan School, located near Gamdevi, Mumbai, is one of the first  collaborations of English E.Teach, started in 2011. The Principal of the School, Mrs. Gadekar, believes in our vision and has always been a great support to us in all our endeavours.

On 23rd August, 2016; our English E. Teach team organised an event for the parents of the School. The idea behind the event was to showcase to the parents what their children are learning through the English E.Teach program. The kids specially performed on the stage for their parents in English. This not only increased their belief in our effort, but also encouraged them to encourage others to join hands with us. The children of each grade enacted a play and recited a couple of poems enthusiastically.

Mrs. Gadekar also addressed the parents and spoke to them about her personal observations about the progress the students are making in picking up English. Our Facilitators (the women who co ordinate with the schools on the English E.Teach program) also put up a skit for the parents - through which they explained, in further detail, how and what the children were learning; and how this knowledge of functional English was going to benefit them in the long run.

At the end of the event, we also interacted with the parents and took their feedback. They seemed extremely satisfied with the development they saw in their children and their grasp of the English language. All in all, it was a day well spent with the ones we aim to serve- the children.

Few kids performing together on the stage.

Sailee reciting a poem.

Kids reading out of the DVD.

Facilitators' Skit Performance for the Parents.

Mrs. Gadekar addressing the parents.

Parent's Feedback


It all started when a man was troubled by the fact that an entire generation of efficient children were being denied job opportunities because of their inability to speak the language that has now become so powerful that it is used in half the world- English. He belonged to the generation that knew the value of ‘Freedom’, who had closely either witnessed the freedom struggle or participated in it or had been a part of the process that followed later - the building of this Nation - brick by brick - piece by piece - to this point. Hence, he knew very well that if this denial of ‘freedom of choice & opportunities’ continued due to an individuals fluency in English, and if no concrete solution was found, it will sweep along the entire generation; taking the Nation back - wasting the efforts made over these many years. 

What is the point if only the cities prosper? And within those cities also, only those handful who have been lucky to have got a certain kind of education.  


One fine day…

Our man, Mr. Astad Parekh, laid the foundation stone of what has now prospered to become this effective initiative - ENGLISH E.TEACH. The Bombay Community Public Trust (BCPT) instantly took the initiative under its wings and the work began. 

Ever since its inception, English E.Teach has managed to reach out to as many children as possible and completely free of cost. If one has to put it simply - What we basically do is distribute DVDs that have been carefully made - to match the English Language Syllabus of the first four standards for the Vernacular Medium Schools In Maharashtra. The DVDs go chapter by chapter, page by page, in sync with the textbook designed by the Government. And all that the schools and the teachers have to do is play the DVD in class; and the students learn the English lessons in the most joyful way they could have ever imagined. We provide these DVDs completely free to any and every school that asks for them because we want even the poorest child to benefit from an English education within the Vernacular school setup.


We proudly like to hashtag our movement  #FreedomtoFly and this Independence Day we want to come out explaining the reason for this.

=> We believe that by empowering these CHILDREN to get the right exposure to English at the right age - we are releasing them from the burden of the unknown language and giving them the right wings - the right FREEDOM TO FLY.

=> We also believe that by empowering these local Marathi Medium SCHOOLS at no cost to them- by providing them the DVDs to help them teach English easily and effectively - we are releasing them from the undue pressure of being washed away by this wave of English Medium Schools - we are preserving their right to exist and encouraging them to better themselves in ways that do not burden them - we are giving them their FREEDOM TO FLY. 

=> We also believe that with the Schools, it’s also the TEACHERS we empower. We teach them new means of interaction with the kids; and make learning as well as teaching interesting. We preserve their belief in the education system and in themselves. When we give them the freedom to explore the new world of education, we are giving them their FREEDOM TO FLY.


So far, we have been quietly doing our bit, by nurturing these children at no charge –locality by locality, class by class, school by school, area by area, district by district . 
And we are proud to say that we have reached the lives of more than a LAKH children in Maharashtra. 
But now we want to soar higher - DO A LOT MORE WORK IN THE SAME DIRECTION. 
And for that we need more support.

#Support us to spread #awareness.. #Support us to change the lives of as many #children as possible. Support us in our #mission - #FREEDOMTOFLY

First Post: A Brief Introduction to English E.Teach

            The  Bombay Community  Public  Trust  is  a  long-established  Trust  which  has  launched  the  'English  E.Teach' project.   The  vision  of this project, is  to  bring  the  vast  population  of impoverished children (which is why our content is absolutely FREE) into  the  main-stream  of  prosperity, by  improving  their  ability  to  pursue  a higher  education,   qualify  for better  job  opportunities,  &  gain more  self-confidence through a high quality English education.

             Our prime  objective  is  to  empower  children   from   the  poor  strata  of society who  attend  vernacular-medium  schools,  to  become  job-ready,  and to  be able to qualify  for  higher  studies. Right now the only thing that stops many of them is their inability to communicate in English which is a requirement for many jobs and colleges/ universities.

            The secondary  objective   of  this  initiative  is  to  save  the  existing  &  vast  infra-structure  and  teaching  staff of  vernacular  schools  from  being  annihilated,  and  to  align  them  with  best  practices  followed  by  other non-English  speaking  countries  (Germany,  Japan,  Holland etc),  which  teach  all subjects  in  the  mother-tongue in  primary  schools,  while  simultaneously  teaching  English  as  a  separate  stand-alone  subject  --  thus  laying  a  strong foundation  and  understanding  in  each  subject.

            We provide DVDs (FREE) which teach the existing English  syllabus  (page-by-page) prescribed by the government of Maharashtra ,  using  the existing  Teachers,  in  existing  free  / low-fee  schools, to  existing  students,  during  the  existing  English  class period.

                Standardised teaching  is  achieved  through  the  use  of  simple  and  low-cost  technology  (DVDs  displayed  on  a TV  +  DVD-player/pen-drive  which  the  Teacher  operates  with  a  ‘remote’).   The  DVDs  are  custom-made  to  teach the  prescribed  Maharashtra  Govt  English  syllabus,  page  by  page  --  to  help  the  Teachers  to  understand  and  teach words  &  phrases,  &  to  simultaneously  explain  these  to  the  children  through  animations which   hold  their  rapt  attention.

              Teaching  material  has  been  distributed  (free)  to  over  1500  govt  and  private  vernacular  schools,  and  we are  estimated to  have  reached  over  140,000  students  of  the  1st  to  3rd  standards  in  Maharashtra.
From  the  Academic  Year starting  July  2016,  we have extended  to  also  teach  the  4th  standard  students.

               We aim to halt,  and  reverse,  the  current  trend  of  destruction  of  vernacular  primary  schools system; to  restore  the  pride  and  confidence  of  the  primary  vernacular-school  Teachers;   and  to  reach  out  to  more  and  more  Schools  in  Maharashtra  so  as  make  a  meaningful  impact on the lives of the most impoverished families.